We have 20 reviewers and each of you are guaranteed 10 reviews, which means the chances are good that you’ll receive the majority of your requests. If you do not get assigned a review slot with someone you'd really love to meet with, once at the retreat feel free to ask if they will look at your work in the off time or during a happy hour. Many of our reviewers are happy to, but it will be up to you to make the move. If you're feeling shy about this contact us and we'll help.

Please rank reviewers in order of your preference by September 19th. After September 19th your selections will be submitted to an electronic lottery system.


Rescheduled 2020 Keynote Speakers

Rescheduled 2020 Featured Reviewers


Originally Scheduled Speakers / Reviewers

Unable to attend the rescheduled October event dates due to Covid-19 complications.