This is a wonderfully well attended event, both students and faculty. It’s a intense experience in a very beautiful location, and there’s a lot of great conversation amongst everyone! It’s quite fun!
— Todd Hido
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Freshly out of college and confused about what I wanted, I found strong connections and shared passions with my reviewers. I also received an enormous amount of information and feedback about what paths I could pursue. I realized that I had a lot of work left to do before I would see results, but finding a goal to work towards is a great start and Chico gave me that.
— Hwa-Jeen Na - 2018 Attendee

2018 Speakers and Reviewers

The laid back vibe and scenic backdrop made for an ideal late winter get away. It was an inspirational treat to have seen so much great work and to met so many great photographers!
— Melissa Cantenese

The portfolio review gave me insight into the thought process of respected photo editors and art directors, and provided a splash of what visual creatives need most yet rarely get: fresh, critical eyes on their work. And the Chico atmosphere has a clarity that accommodates this.
— David Samuel Stern - 2018 Attendee

2018 Attendees

  • Abigail St. Claire

  • Alessandra Leto

  • Alex Hoxie

  • Amy Chen

  • Andrew Warner

  • Bailey Eiland

  • Brandon Sawaya

  • Cameron MacPhail

  • Chong Lee

  • Chris Burden

  • Sothear Nuon

  • David Samuel Stern

  • E. Ken Carl

  • Emily Byrski

  • Emily Wells

  • Emma Apicelli

  • Grace Hollaender

  • Hannah Thomson

  • Hwa-Jeen Na

  • Jeffrey Reiner

  • Jennifer Seiser

  • Jessica Rhodes

  • johnny Autry

  • Jon Norris

  • Julia Calleo

  • Julia Dodge

  • Justin Chen

  • Karl Petzke

  • Katherine Raymond

  • Lauren DeFilippo

  • Lindsay Metivier

  • Lisa LeJeune

  • madeline tolle

  • Marcus Chormicle

  • Marion Burnier

  • Marshall To

  • Megan Steffen

  • Rachel Pick

  • Siri Raitto

  • Spencer Hord

  • stephanie bassos sievert

  • Stephanie Viggiano

  • Sung Han

  • Theresa Racicot

  • Wil Claussen

2018 Partners