Financial Aid Requirements
If you are a student, or if you are applying for a need-based scholarship, you must still pay your deposit, accommodations, and half tuition payment. Your scholarship, will be subtracted from your final tuition payment. To apply for a need-based scholarship, you must make under $40k annually as a household. We give out as many partial scholarships as possible, but resources are limited. We use the resources from application fees to disseminate funds for merit scholarships, need-based scholarships and student discounts. There are more requests than funds available, please be prepared to pay full tuition in the event that you do not receive a scholarship.
Please submit the following information to by February 6.
Student discount - 10% discount on tuition
Proof of enrollment in a BA or MFA program
Valid .edu email
Need-based scholarship - Up to $1000 of assistance towards tuition and/or accommodations.
submit the following in under 150 words
Your name and 2021 total household income*.
2021 Tax Return.
Describe the circumstances around your financial need
Share your goals for the Chico Review
*household income is a measure of the combined incomes of all people sharing a particular household or place of residence. If you are a student and your primary residence is with your parents, you must include their income. If you are married or living with a partner, it must include their income as well.