Here is a list of tips from photographers who frequently attend reviews, both reviewers and reviewees. You will find suggestions on how to prepare your portfolio as well as general etiquette and tips to ensure your review experience is as positive, productive, and successful as possible.


  1. Your portfolio should be a complete body of work with a solid vision (15-20 images). Images should look good full screen so please adhere to our image size recommendation below. You may consider preparing additional portfolios and examples of other work if you want, but your primary presentation should be a unified and cohesive body of work.

  2. Research the reviewers as best you can before you show up at the portfolio reviews, and honestly assess which reviewers before you show your work. Keep in mind that some of the best insight may come from someone whose work is much different than your own. Be open.

  3. Network with your fellow photographers as they can also serve as a source of contacts and suggestions during. We’ll be sending out a directory which should help everyone get connected. Our facebook group page is also a good networking platform.

  4. Always be courteous to the reviewers. Respect the 20 minute time slot you have for showing your work and be ready to move on when your time is up.

  5. Familiarize yourself with Google Drive and Zoom. Contact Lindsay if you need help navigating either.

  6. Take notes after reviews and follow up with reviewers. In the past people have been disappointed when a speaker or reviewer doesn't respond to their first email directly after the event. Please be gracious and allow them (and yourself) time to recoup after the event. Also remember that fortune favors the persistent. Often people don't reply because they forget, not because they didn't want to or plan to.


Please upload your images by March 1st to give reviewers some time to look in advance. You will be sent a link via email to your personal google drive folder that will be shared with the reviewers ahead of time.

Sizing: upload JPEGS no larger than 6MB each. We suggest a resolution of 2000 pixels on large side at 144 ppi. Make sure the image doesn't look pixelated when at full screen. Please, reach out to Lindsay if you have any questions about this!

Filename: Please create your filenames in the format: sequence_lastname_firstname or 01_Metivier_Lindsay

In your folder you’ll find a short questionnaire. Please answer directly into the document. This will help reviewers prepare for your conversation.


After you’ve received your list of reviewers you’ll book slots with your reviewers through their personal Calendly links. Each reviewer will specify if your meeting can be via Zoom or by phone.

If you’re meeting with your reviewer via Zoom, you will be sent Zoom links and directions on how to join. You will then be able to share your screen to show your work; your reviewer will also be able to share their screen if they have any comments on your editing and sequencing.

If you’re meeting with your reviewer via phone, they will call you at the start of your time slot.

Twenty minutes can go quickly so we suggest not showing too much, we recommend 15-20 images. Feel free to bring extra images or an extra body of work. The sequence of your images is important, so number them in the order they should be viewed. If you are showing a book pdf, totally great but consider also sharing a folder of the individual images as well.